Daily Archives: 2 September 2005

Gallery and RSS

In this posting I want to demonstrate how to make Gallery use RSS.

You can use the Gallery wizard for the basic settings, but I found clicking through all the pages of the wizzard to annoying. So I looked the settings up in config.php and rss.php and edited them directly there. (Saved me also to always change file permissions)

My config.php contains the following lines:

$gallery->app->rssEnabled = “yes”;
$gallery->app->rssMode = “thumbs”;
$gallery->app->rssMaxAlbums = “25”;
$gallery->app->rssVisibleOnly = “yes”;
$gallery->app->rssDCDate = “no”;
$gallery->app->rssBigPhoto = “no”;
$gallery->app->rssPhotoTag = “yes”;

The other options for rssMode are: basic (default, displays only highlighted pic), thumbs-with-captions (all pics in album with name). I went for thumbs which shows all pic in the album and thus giving a nice overview.

The next thing I changed was the refresh interval. I do not want to produce unnecessary traffic, because the changes and adds to the album are restrained. There for I had to edit rss.php to look like this:


where the number represents the refresh time in minutes.

If you want to see the final product import this feed into your RSS-reader (e.g. liferea).