
iCal madness

When I upgraded davical to latest version, I discovered that the calendars on my phone and my laptop weren’t synced any more. Upon a lot of digging I discovered that it wasn’t davicals fault but iCal.app to blame. My iPhone was syncing without problem, however iCal was stubborn. Of my many calendars, only one was showing…

Importing my backup into a local iCal calendar didn’t work. I got the meaningful error: “Property/urlString/Entity/Attachment is a required value.”

When I discovered that you can use the console app to read errors produced by iCal, it got easy. Especially the error: “Ignoring data for attachment that isn’t base-64 encoded: <ICSAttachment 0x7fd156af60c0 – (null)>” looked very suspicious.

Looking though my .ics file, I found one event who had the following line: “ATTACH;FMTTYPE=application/pdf;ENCODING=:http://www.server.at/fileadmin/files/general/Seminare/SE_Narb.pdf“. After removing the event, (which was useless anyway, I never went there…) all events showed up again on iCal. Now one excuse less for not showing up on time. 🙂

My bet is that Thunderbird which I use in my office was so kind to screw things up by abusing the ENCODING field to store a link to an attachment.

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